Vote in the Barangay Elections

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It’s quite unfair that we prioritize our national elections than our barangay election when it all starts micro and small. You might not know what’ll happen to your street or household that need barangay help.

2 yrs ago, a strange man had been lurking around our residence at around 12mn for 3 consecutive days, with a flashlight in hand. A week later, he came back again. He never got to enter because we were vigilant and were ready to shove him off or interview him even though he would always run away upon seeing us going towards the gate.

We had to request barangay people to look out for our street and there, we figured out who among them were doing their jobs as protectors of the barangay. That creepy man stopped lurking in our residence.

We seldom know the people behind our barangays, and what’s the point of voting, right? However, if any of your friends or family members know of a candidate who can deliver, then vote. I even only voted for 3 people whom I know can deliver, based on what happened 2yrs ago and during the time I had to process important documents at the barangay hall. If you’ve heard of anyone good, then vote. You have 2 more hours!


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