How I Got Into Collecting Crystals and Gemstones

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Collecting Crystals and Gemstones

I’ve always been open about my recent adversities in life. I’ve been blogging about it, and it’s actually the reason why I attempted to blog again. For the past 5 months, I’ve been trying to put my life into perspective, except that I cannot do an all “eat pray love” for some reason. Luckily for me, my family, friends, and SO have been supportive of my journey. However, collecting crystals and gemstones helped me cope with my difficulties as well.

I blogged about how I rekindled with the concept of the Law of Attraction and Gratitude. While I greatly believe in that concept, I have to say that I slack off at it. I have read countless books and attended several seminars about it for years now. I’ve been following Abraham Hicks, and it helped me a lot, but sometimes, I don’t get enough new info and get bored with it. I read stuff about Nihilism and Capitalism instead, which interests me more, to be honest. I’m doing something that’s very counterproductive.

Feng Shui

So, once again, I have struggled, maybe because I was slacking, or perhaps because of the prevalent anxieties that demotivate me. These anxieties started this year, and while I am only a partial believer of Feng Shui, maybe it was my state of mind that kinda’ made me believe that according to Feng shui, those under the year of the Dragon will have a difficult time this year. The Dragon and the Dog are the complete opposites and are fiery with each other.

Ridiculous right? I have Dragon friends who are having the time of their lives. Anyway, my point is, in June, I was reverted back to using charms. I somehow subscribe to the practice; I buy charms and eat tikoy every Chinese new year since 2010, except for this year. Oddly, all those feng shui kiosks are very open and expose the buyers, and I was embarrassed to be seen by some people. The usual not-so-exposing feng shui store I go to closed last December after the mall it was in got burned down. Now I thought that it’s quite too late for me to acquire Feng Shui charms as their online descriptions always say “Use at the start of the year,” but I promise I won’t miss out next year. Now, instead of doing Feng Shui, I thought about crystals, spells, Magick, and Wicca.

How I Got Into Collecting Crystals and Gemstones: My Little Wiccan Experience

Me and my friends Dia and Liz, together with the congenial interns/assistants at the Ace of Cups Witch Cafe

A friend and I tried out Wicca in 2014, and truth be told, I choose to believe in it. My priority during that time was money, and hers was love life, and the universe gave us an abundance of it after we performed several magickal spells. In 2015, when I was in Bangkok, my friends and I visited the Wiccan cafe, Ace of Cups. We were exhausted before going there because we got lost and we walked for more than an hour. However, I kid you not, upon entering the cafe, our vibrations went high. We were greeted amicably by the cafe assistants, there were cute cats that filled the void of my cat whom I left for a week and the witch’s altar that was very invigorating. The cafes had crystals everywhere. The food we ordered was also very delicious. According to the assistants, the food was infused with herbs that can give good vibes. Before leaving, one of the coffee assistants led us to a little meditation or prayer in front of the altar. I also saw several crystals for sale, which I regret not buying.

Visiting that cafe was an enjoyable experience for us. It was one of our favorites during our trip, even though the owner who was the witch wasn’t there when we came. I also regret not blogging about it, but I can’t wait to go back and do so right after.

Collecting Crystals and Gemstones: Mini Haul

Collecting crystals and gemstones is a great hobby. Some of you might think that it’s voodoo or a placebo effect. That might be the case, but I really enjoy collecting them. They’re nice to look at, fashion and style-wise too, right? However, make sure that you’re only buying from legitimate sellers because some of selling fake crystals.

Behold Biyaya ni Bathala! Biyaya ni Bathala Blessing Gift Shop is the official shop of The Daily Aah (the official site of Ishilta, who offers several services like Reiki healing, Space clearing, Well-being coaching, to name a few). Biyaya ni Bathala has several handmade pieces of jewelry and legitimate stones to offer. They also have smudge sticks and several books on well-being. They offer the cheapest legit crystals in the Philippine market, and as of this writing, they’re on sale, with each crystal priced as low as 80PHP from its original price of 240PHP. Each crystal was packed in a reusable plastic together with a paper of its description.

Even though this post is about collecting crystals and gemstones, I’ll start off with this item that sparked my curiosity the most, upon visiting their website the first time: the Cosmic Healing Disc, based on Sacred Geometry. I’ve read quite a few notes on Sacred Geometry and found out that it’s called sacred because it is based on nature, so if we use it, we get to be in tune more with nature and with ourselves. A lot of architecture and successful musical pieces in history are also based on it. The underrated scientist, Nikola Tesla used it in all of his works and in his daily life.

Cosmic Healing Disc

At first, I thought it was a music CD with meditation music in it, but when I read through the description, it was a healing disc that has several uses. You can use it as a coaster to enhance the therapeutic properties of water and fruit drinks, some buyers also put it on their back to heal back pain (according to their reviews, it works), and some put in inside their wallet for abundance. As for me, I plan to use this to energize the crystals I bought and the charms I have owned that can still be reused.

Now let’s move on to the stones/crystals. According to the experts, the crystals speak to you and choose you. They also said that if you buy crystals online, the pictures have energy. Of course, that was quite confusing for me, so I only read the description of each crystal to see which one can help me. When I first opened the box, the Blue Apatite was the one that gave me great vibes. For the cynics out there, I agree with you that maybe it gave off more energy to me because of its color and its uniqueness, compared to the other crystals I chose.

Collecting Crystals and Gemstones
Blue Apatite (Raw)

Blue Apatite’s properties:
-gives inspiration
-good for manifestations of wishes
-promotes a humanitarian and service-oriented attitude
-eases sorrow, apathy, and anger
-cleanses the aura
-helps develop our psychic gifts
-deepens meditation
-helps overcome emotional exhaustion
-points out karmic roots for physical imbalances and medical conditions

The second stone is Garnet. Again, I chose the stones based on each of their descriptions on the BnB’s website. Truth be told, most of the stones are very well-rounded and have similar properties, but I bought this stone because it helps invigorate a loving relationship, and helps in the survival instinct in times of adversity (which I really need after thinking of death again). It was the only stone available on the site that highlights that healing property.

Collecting Crystals and Gemstones
Garnet (Raw)

Garnet’s properties:
-grounding and energizing-helps in connecting in your physical body
-helps find joy in the physical world
-stone in attracting love or strengthens a current love relationship
-activates and strengthens the survival instinct during times of trouble

The third stone I chose is Unakite. I chose this as it helps in getting rid of bad habits and also gets rid of toxicity in one’s life.

Collecting Crystals and Gemstones

Unakite’s properties:
-facilitates the gradual elimination of bad habits
-helps in unearthing and releasing emotional wounds
-supports the purging of toxic energies
-balances emotions with spirituality
-supports recovery from a major illness
-promotes visualization and psychic vision

The fourth stone is the Golden Tiger Eye. I’ve been eyeing this stone for a while because it assists in accomplishing goals and manifesting our dreams, helps one overcome discouragement which I greatly felt before, and it also acts as a talisman against curses. It’s also best for those people who are starting meditation as it helps you find your center.

Collecting Crystals and Gemstones
Golden Tiger Eye

Golden Tiger Eye’s properties:
-stone of balance
-stone of vitality, practicality, and physical action
-helps in mental clarity
-grounding, calming and centering
-aids in recognizing inner sources such as talents and abilities
-balances the yin and the yang
-traditionally carried as a talisman against ill-wishing and curses

The last stone is the Clear Quartz. If you only want to have one big crystal/stone or if you have only a budget for one, then I suggest this be your choice. It’s the most all-around stone in the Mineral Realm. I bought this because it’s a basic one and I think it’s perfect if I add it first in my collection. I love looking at it and touching it. I don’t know if it’s just the shadows or my imagination, but I can feel the light and energy that radiates with this stone.

Collecting Crystals and Gemstones
Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz’s properties:
-exhibits the quality of piezoelectricity
-most versatile stone
-amplifies, focuses, and stores energy
-can be programmed for any purpose (healing, love, abundance, etc.)
-a stone of light

Before my package from them arrived, this is not a joke, I was anxious, demotivated, hopeless, and even thought of death again (my 3rd this year), but then again, truth be told, these crystals helped me. The moment I opened the stones (they were wrapped in a bubble wrap), I unexpectedly smiled. Of course, it’s a fact that I’ve been eyeing crystals for a while, and who wouldn’t be happy if one were in my situation (it’s just like having a shopping spree), but I beg to differ that these stones really made an impact. I immediately used them when I meditated, and a day after, I was energized and acted on doing the tasks on my web business, and also in doing a review of my little haul.

I have not used all the stones because I followed what the experts said that the stone chooses you, and when I opened the package, the Clear Quartz and the Blue Apatite spoke to me first. However, since the other three stones and the Cosmic Healing Disc are also with me, I guess they also worked wonders for me.

That’s how I got into collecting crystals and gemstones. I’ll update you on their impact. I’ll also try more spells and work with them when I’m meditating. I’m also learning how to make a grid and an altar out of my collection, especially when I expand it further. Stay tuned. 😊

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