Sunshine Blogger Award Nomination

I’d be honest. Before I went active in blogging again, I thought it was too late. Many of the people I’m exposed to aren’t really akin to reading. Or maybe those that are just dominant prefer vlogs over blogs. However, it was only after I joined WordPress that I realized that Blogging is very much alive. There are a million people who write and read. I’m glad that I have found a community here. I would like to thank Currently Apple for this Sunshine Blogger award nomination.

I promised Currently Apple that I would answer her 11 questions. I somehow feel like a celebrity now. LOL Here it goes:

1. What is your favorite pet?

Well it’s obvious if you know me personally, but since I’m still starting to grow in the Blogging community here on WordPress, they’re not aware that I’m addicted to cats. My T.Moe just turned 5. Follow him on Instagram: @tmoestrangelove. After cats, I also love owls. I wanna have one someday but the Philippine regulations don’t allow normal citizens like me to adopt one.

2. What is your birthstone?

Torquoise. 🙂

3. What is your dream job?

I have a lot, but the one I’d like to mention is character actress. I wanna be a bestfriend to the lead character. This has been a dream of mine since I was in college. hehe

4. Who is your favorite person and why?

Whoa this is also hard ‘coz I have a lot, but for this question, I choose my boyfriend, Jim Norris. I could write a number of reasons why I love him, but it’s because he’s always there for me–always understanding me even though I get on his nerves a lot of times. hihi Thank you, love. 😘

5. Who is your favorite author?

Haruki Murakami. Yes, he’s quite overrated, but his stories, despite their hipster(ness) to a fault–are deep, honest, and unassuming. I especially love that they are always based on a particular era or event. That’s where Murakami harnesses each of their profundities related to a character’s psyche based in a particular era or event, in which his readers relate to or experience (a whole new world only in dreams and beyond).

6. What is your favorite quote?

“All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.”
– Friedrich Nietzsche

“Whenever you feel like criticizing anyone, just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages you’ve had.”
– father of Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald

7. What is the one thing you can’t live without?


8. What is your greatest fear?

I’ve managed to understand that all of us have to go through adversities. I have just experienced mine and it wasn’t without learning. I now embrace it. It’s not that I can’t wait for another one, but as of this writing, I wanna say that I can’t think of something to fear just yet. If I’m just in denial or don’t remember it, the thing is, I also don’t want to ingrain it in my mind at the moment.

9. What is the bravest thing you ever did?

I think it’s living in my own terms, which is quite difficult for me because I have to get myself to be disciplined on a daily basis, and to be honest, I fail most of the time. A lot of people say I’m lucky to have this lifestyle, but it will also get you. Free time sometimes means overthinking even the smallest things or things you have no control over. Overthinking leads to exhaustion and depression.

10. What is the silliest thing you did for love?

I don’t consider it silly if it’s for love. I would never do something if the person isn’t worth it. I only fall for the right person. The others that I was infatuated with before were merely fleeting amusements.

11. If you have just one wish for yourself what would it be?

I wish to have 1 million more wishes. C’mon, we have an abundant universe. 😉

Thank you Currently Apple once again for this nomination. Click on the link and follow her blog. I love her insights about life in general. Keep it up, girl! 🙂

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