Davao Blog Awards 2018 Nominations

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Hi everyone!

If you’ve been reading my blog, I’ve always repeated writing about my experiences this year–being socially-aware and how I overcame the struggle, the greatest adversity I’ve experienced in my life, and also about the things I’m thankful for.

I have always mentioned that joining the Davao Bloggers Society has really made a positive change in my mental health. I’m truly grateful for their warm welcome and all the fun and positivity that each member has showered me throughout the months that I have been active within the organization.

To be honest, I’m still not confident in being called a blogger. I also don’t have confidence in my social media stats because I rarely engage with people on social media. Facebook, Instagram, etc. favor people who always engage in their platforms.

I just write. Even though I don’t get paid, I enjoy and learn a lot from attending events. Many of these brands provide great topics for my blog. I especially favor those brands who have enlightened capitalism. I feel inspired writing about them.

It has been a long intro and you might think that I’ve deviated from my subject. I feel so honored to be nominated for two awards in the upcoming Davao Blog Awards 2019: Best Personal Blog and Most Outstanding Newbie. Since I’ve been lucky and thankful that I was able to make it as a member of the Davao Bloggers Society, it’s notches above the heavens to be nominated! I feel so ecstatic!

Thank you to the people who nominated me and for those friends and family who have been supportive in my journey. I’d like to mention my friend Mayen who encouraged (almost forced lol) me to join the org, as I was shy and hesitant at first.

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