I’m Banned from Shopping for 30 Days!

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I am riddled with guilt. I don’t know what it is about June and July that makes my whole spirit go online or to the malls to look for stuff to buy. I tell you, it’s not only because of the mall-wide sales. For the past years, during these months, I almost exclusively buy stuff online and at thrift shops (most of which aren’t really on sale).

I’ve also been rummaging through my closets and realize how much stuff I bought is unused. I gave more than 150 things to charity already last week (not counting the stuff I gave last year and early this year), but I think I still have a lot more in my closets to provide. Hence, I’m going on a 30-day (or more) shopping ban. I got this idea from blogger Cait Flanders. Thank you for it, Ms. Flanders!

Related: 9 Tips for an Easier and 
Wiser Online Shopping Experience

(More) Reasons for my Self-imposed Shopping Ban:

1.) I kept buying cute stuff I don’t need and extra beauty/skincare items I haven’t really run out of, like a different shade or brand of lipstick.

2.) For the past two months, most, if not all, stores in the malls around the city have been having never-ending sales, and I visit them even without no.3.

3.) Me and one of my best friends have been going out on shopping trips looking for perfect dresses, shoes, and other accessories for her to wear when she meets her in-laws in the US and I also accompanied my aunt from Leyte (who came here mostly for shopping) for 3 days. It’s so hard not to be tempted if you help others shop!

4.) New BDO Shopmore credit cardholders are given a free watch if they spend 15-35k in the first 2 months (minimum 2k spent per transaction, accumulated). I went for the 25k minimum spend because I didn’t like the free watches at the 15k minimum, and there’s not much difference between the 35k and the free watches. I was confident I could get it sooner and even the 35k, but it was a bit late when I found out that online purchases are not included, so I shopped at malls (and encouraged others like my parents to do so too, using the credit card) until I got to spend the amount required. I love my free watch. It’s my first one from that brand. It’s so sleek and cute! Of course, I know I succumbed to the wicked ways of banks! How robotic of me!

5.) I’ve been depressed lately because of a long-awaited trip that I won’t be able to take due to requirement factors. For ladies, what more effective way to take the sadness away than shopping? Not to mention, spend the saved money for the canceled trip.

6.) I’ll start applying the Zen principle of Less is More. CHAROT!

7.) ENOUGH. I really have to stop making excuses about my purchases. I should be able to discipline myself.

Related: Online Shopping 101: 
A Checklist on How to Discern
which Shops are Trustworthy

Things I’m banned from buying:

1.) Clothes, Bags, Shoes, and accessories

2.) Underwear and Lingerie (some of the items I excessively bought last month)

3.) Cat food, treats, collars, toys for my Lil’ fluffy one (he has more than enough to get through the rest of this year)

4.) Advance gifts for my godchildren, the magnificent lady who does our laundry, and my family (their birthdays just ended and they loved my gifts). Whenever I go window-shopping and see stuff perfect for them, I tend to buy them right away. It’s still early for Christmas.

5.) Watches / Jewelry

6.) Cosmetics

7.) Books, Magazines, CDs, DVDs

8.) Electronic gadgets and accessories

9.) Home and Living items

10.) School and Office Supplies

11.) Craft Supplies like ribbons, buttons, cute stationery, etc.

12.) Storage bags and boxes

13.) Mobile and Desktop Apps

14.) Subscriptions to apps like Spotify, Instant Photo, etc.

15.) Workout-related stuff

Related: Online Shopping 101: 
Issues and Perks

Exceptions to my shopping ban:

1.) Movie tickets (at least for the 1-2 films me and my BFF have set to watch since early this year and last year).

2.) Toiletries and some basic cosmetics like eyebrow pencil if and only if I run out of them

3.) Vet visit for my Lil’ fluffy one (he has a schedule)

4.) The promised cute furry house for him, too (but I’m 50/50 on this)

5.) Lunch or Dine outs (this I cannot avoid because, as a home-based freelancer, I don’t get to spend a lot of time with people, so I need to hang out with my friends every now and then)

6.) Airline tickets on sale

7.) Magazines with one of my most favorite people on the cover/feature story; There are only around 5 of them, so what are the odds that they’ll become covers of magazines for this month?

8.) Rare and hardbound or trade paperback copies of books I’ve meant to have (but I promised myself not to go to bookstores so this is unlikely)

9. Food (chips and sweets if and only if I have visitors at home)

I know I still have a lot of excuses on the exceptions list, but I’ll keep adding to both lists anytime I want (hopefully more on the banned list). I can do this! Who wants to be my shopping ban partner? Message me!

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