This is my First Attempt at Overcoming Writer’s Block

This blog is my first attempt at overcoming writer’s block and bringing ease and flow to my writing.

I don’t exactly know why it happened. When I started The Pop Blog, I was excited. Everything seemed to flow with ease. My ideas–features, reviews, reflections, just everything, came to me like wildfire. It almost seemed like a magical power. My write-ups weren’t perfect (and they even are not SEO-friendly nor were concise), but I am confident that they were written from a place of inspiration and authenticity.

Ironically, it all started when I was tapped to do freelance writing for several businesses and topics. The first one was for an IT company. Everything was technical, but I enjoyed it. As time went by, I wrote for more niches, including home, construction, sales, and more IT.

Overcoming Writer's Block
Photo by Steve Johnson

Since all the articles needed to be SEO-friendly, specific rules had to be implemented. I won’t deny that a part of me blames Google’s algorithm for my writer’s block, but yeah, it’s just a part of it, and I should continue to embrace the importance of SEO.

Hence, while I was thriving to become a writer of several niches, writing for entertainment dwindled. All the flow and ease completely went away. Upon opening a notepad or an empty WordPress post, I just stare at the white screen blankly, trying to write something, despite having a topic at hand.

READ MORE: My Top 5 Distractions and How I Deal with Them

I don’t know what it is, really, but there have been a lot of times that I’ve experienced writer’s block, not just in my blog but in songwriting as well. At first, I would get a few ideas in my head, but it wasn’t like the time that they really flew all over like an avalanche; like the only thing left undone is to edit and organize them. They just flew. With blockage, I had to think harder, pause, go for a walk, or do something else. It’s very frustrating.

My First Attempt at Overcoming Writer's Block
Photo by Daniel McCullough

Ways I’ll Try to Do on my Road to Overcoming Writer’s Block

Free Writing

They say that to combat writer’s block, you have to write even without inspiration. Do free-writing. Just write whatever comes to mind without perfecting the whole write-up. And that’s what I’m doing now. To be honest, I had some ideas just flow around, and some that needed thorough thinking.

Strike it while it’s hot

Another thing that I’ll do is to write right away, when the idea is on my mind. I will not wait until the flow goes away. I should write what’s in my head, then research comes after for the other important things to be included.

No to Pressure and Perfectionism

I shouldn’t also get pressured by writing and SEO rules or fear or perfectionism (?) I write what and how I want. It doesn’t matter if it’s an article written by an 8-grader for as long as I write and try to keep the flow moving with ease.

Read More Fiction

Lastly, I should read more fiction books again. They are the holy grail to creative writing. The more I read fiction, the more writing ideas and style come to mind.

How about you? Have you been experiencing writer’s block? What are the ways to get rid of it? Comment them below.

The copyright-free images used in this blog post are from Unsplash. Cover photo by Ryan Snaadt.

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